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Under the spotlight: Under 10 boys

Under the spotlight: Under 10 boys

Dom Auty10 Nov 2023 - 16:30
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This week the spotlight is on the under 10 boys…

This week we caught up with Ant Williams, who is assisted by Marc Gardner, David Mellor and Ross Johnson in running the under 10 boys section of the club.

Ant, who has been involved in the club on and off for a number of years, is yet another member of the current Vets side! He got into coaching the team during their season at u7’s, when the manager at the time took a step away mid-season. Ant went on to complete his C licence as he transitioned into his new role.

It’s a decision that seemed to pay off…
I really enjoy getting on the training pitch and helping the boys develop as players and people, whilst always learning myself.

Here’s what he had to say on…

the coaching team…

The u10’s is run by myself and three very good coaches in Marc, David and Ross, who play a massive part in helping the boys improve on a weekly basis.

their focus for the team…

Myself and the coaches are always looking at ways to help the boys improve as players without taking away the fun in what they are doing. We as a management team play 2 mixed ability teams, as we believe we are all in it together with players improving at different stages.
Over the last few seasons, we have seen players being selected for various trials at local academies and even football league clubs which they should all be proud of.

the team…

The majority of the team have been together from the age of 3 or 4, progressing through the Dave and Paul school of excellence (mini-kickers).
We seem to be very competitive in all games and tournaments we enter, winning a number of tournaments including the Liverpool FC at Deeside.
We’re really looking forward to watching the boys carry on with the fantastic performances they have already put in this season.

and finally…

As previously said, we feel all the players and coaches are one together, this includes the fantastic support network we have from the parents who are always on hand to help with setting up pitches and being very supportive of the boys and coaches, which is really appreciated.

A big thanks to the team sponsors:

Current Kit Sponsor
The Broad Oak Connah’s Quay

Training Top Sponsor
Bostock’s Air Conditioning Wrexham

Keep your eyes peeled for the next 'Under the spotlight', but in the meantime if you have any interest in joining the club in any capacity as a volunteer or sponsor, please get in touch via our social media channels or by emailing

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Further reading